Only made it to the gym 3 days this week, so only was able to get in my 3 primary lifts: Chest, Back, Legs. Monday was chest day, did some extra heavy dumbbell pressing and a cable flye. Tuesday I focused mostly on lat width and overall thickness, so been adding in a second pulldown movement in my back routines first starting with a widegrip then somewhere else in the workout ill do either underhand or neutral grip. So my back routine consisted of basically cables, t-bar rows, and deadlifts. Wednesday I killed legs as usual. After warming up got into squats, was feeling strong ended up going up to 365lbs for a set of 10 so felt pretty good about that. After that went into some vertical presses love these really good for isolating the quads. Squats, Vert presses, walking barbell lunges, Hack squats, hamstring curls, etc.