I went to a couple of Phillie games over the weekend, including an 18 inning marathon that ended after 2 am, the longest game (in actual time) in Phillie history.

My buddy and I were talking with a couple of friends of ours, who work in the front office, after the game for an hour when a couple of the Diamondback pitchers left the clubhouse to discover that their hotel shuttle had just left. Rather than call the hotel for another shuttle or walk to the hotel, my friend and I drove Chaz Roe and winning pitcher, Trevor Cahill, to the hotel as it was where we were staying.

We woke up in time for a quick brunch and got to the stadium in plenty of time for the Sunday afternoon game where I caught my first foul ball in a major league game. Got a few in minor league games, but I snagged Michael Young's high pop up behind first base. My glory was shortlived as I surrendered the ball to a little girl in our section.

It was a weekend of stadium cheesesteaks, beer and crab fries, topped off with mussels marinara at Chickie's and Pete's.