Originally Posted By: Dellacroce
i doubt those sp*cs were ever made, the one that got whacked in sicily was purely muscle, and desjardins was a pretty big player but alot of his standing in the mafia came from who he married.

You are talking about Juan "Joe Bravo" Fernandez of course. This guy was more then muscle, was an asset to Vito, and a close trusted associate of his. He was also fiercely loyal and got things done from drug dealings, collections, and murder. Fernandez was a perfect guy to trust with an arraignment drug shipments from Latin countries and dealings from Toronto. I'm sure he was killed in Sicily on orders from Desjardins and the Calabrian faction in retaliation for Di Maulo's murder for the continuous control of Montreal.

A side note on Di Maulo and Desjardins, they were ungrateful, turncoat little shits and got what they deserve.