Why does everyone hate Bill Cutolo Jr so bad ? I mean at least he didn't kill Jackie DeRoss and Little Allie Boy when he had the chance. Like "Wild" Bill told his son : " I wish death before jail."

Bill Cutolo Junior would still be with the Colombo's if his Dad hadn't been killed.
Cutolo Senior and Cutolo Junior both operated on the wrong side of the law!
When Wild Bill died, his son went crying to the cops for help.
Bill Junior needs to understand that his Dad died because he was a gangster!
I'm sorry but I cant respect someone who lives as a tough guy gangster then turns his tail and runs to the law for help when things don't go his way!

At least Al Demeo didn't rat on his father murderers.
Al understood that whilst he loved his Dad, Roy had done many hideous things and died as a result of his life.

That's why I have tremendous respect for Sonny Black, I don't like the things he did in life but I respect the man for staying true to what he was, not ratting and going to that final meeting knowing what fate awaited him. The guy had balls that's for sure