Less than 2 weeks to the kick off of the most wonderful time of year. Yes my friends, I am talking good ole fashioned SEC College football! So much to discuss and so little time!!

First off, Whats the odds of us taking another National Championship? I'd Give us a 90% probability that one of our teams will be in. If the west wins the SEC championship whether its Bama Or LSU, I pretty much guarantee another Trophy to add to the dynasty of the south. I say this in regards to the up front run you over mentality that these two teams possess.
If the Winner of the SEC comes from the East, I give it a 85% chance that we still take home the big one.
Personally, I would rather see one SEC team play in the NC versus a non SEC team, just for the pure enjoyment of shutting up the rest of the nation.
I gladly take any constructive criticism or see where the rest of this board stands, just dont expect me to get into a pissing contest with anyone, im just not that much of an internet wiseguy.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"