Gentlemen: In countless movies we see the names of the noteworthy "Men of honor" portrayed as "larger than life" characters. Men that held honor, respect, loyalty, and a sense of manliness and toughness. Throughout history, gentlemen such as Capone, Colombo, Geneovese, Marcello, and Gambino (as many others) were known to be men that were widely respected and looked up to.

With this being said I have to pose the question: To where are the men of honor of our age? Have the times changed so drastically that everyone now believes a man of honor is a rap artist that rhymes about screwing white whores? What happened to the "keep your mouth shut to the grave" oath of Omerta?

It seems these days anyone who enters organized crime in our age has 2 cards to play. One being making money in the rackets successfully or number Two: To play mobster until caught then squeal and write a book in order to achieve money because option one fell through.

I simply pose this question to see other views on why the mighty "La Cosa Nostra" has fallen from its once great prestige around the nation. Loss of hunger to make money? Complacency in the name of the organization and its history? A shrinking pool of pure Italian blood to choose from? We all know RICO was a devastating factor with dire consequences, but I believe that there are other mitigating factors to as why there are no men of character, and rather brute thugs that make up what was once one of the most powerful forces in 'merica.

Thanks Chaps!

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"