I agree with Hairy Knuckles 100%. Ivy has great information that also coincides with a lot of street information.

Frankly, I fail to see what the big fucking deal is with Huron and ChiTown, especially ChiTown more than Huron.

On the other Forum, ChiTown said a few months ago that the Outfit was divided into two sections, North and South.
Ivy and I Agree.

Chitown said Grand Ave was the smallest of the 4 crews and was subservient to Elmwood Park for some muscle if needed.

Ivy and I agree.

So, what's the problem?

Vena and Spina are made , but not Spina's brothers. Chicago doesn't make a lot of people. Never did.

ChiTown posted under the name Grand Ave 420 on the other Forum and he was actually pretty good at what he said. He exaggerated a little but not terrible. Now, all of a sudden, he comes on here and is all fucking upset because Grand Ave is not like the Taylor St. Crew 50 years ago.

I don't see what the problem is at all? I asked him to name any more made guys that he thinks are with Grand Ave and I said I would check it out and give an honest opinion.

Haven't heard a word. All he wants to do is argue about really nothing.
He even said I was a Grand Avenue hater which is the most stupid thing I ever heard! He also said I was an Elmwood Park Fanboy!
How could I be an Elmwood Park Fanboy when I have stated 20 times that they retreated years ago?

No, ChiTown is the problem, not Ivy. He's measuring his entire self worth as a person with the size of Grand Ave which is asinine.

Last edited by Chicago; 08/11/13 07:20 PM.