Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
Originally Posted By: 12thStreet
Maybe it was an honorable existence in Sicily or Naples 200 years ago and maybe it was honorable when Italians first came to this country and TOOK our piece of the American pie when it was denied to us, but now??? They're all just glorified street gangs who use the bullshit Godfather credo to further a mystique that has loooooooong since ended..

Best. Fucking. Quote. In. This. Forum. Period.
Thank you Sonny I appreciate that....Sepiente, it's easy to be a fucking fanboy until it touches your family. I have a relative who "disappeared" and likely was brutally murdered. I have another relative who spent years on the lam and then when to prison. No I am NOT excusing their culpability in the ways in which they CHOSE to live their lives. They knew the stakes when they CHOSE to involve themselves with such people. There is an old saying here that all the Chicago posters know well, "once you get into bed with the Outfit, the only way out is feet first.." I HAVE KNOWN MANY OF THE NAMES MENTIONED ON THIS BOARD. I can't help where I grew up or to whom I am related. I just don't see the glory in that or why anyone should be impressed with it..