Originally Posted By: Serpiente
Originally Posted By: Chicago
Some of the people who post about it are fanboys and want to root for their home team like it's a football game. You'll find some of that in every city that has a Mob family.
However, for some reason it's more prevalent in Chicago. Probably because The Outfit had a huge reputation and is now only a mere shadow of itself. It's difficult for some of the home team fans to accept. That is the best and most logical answer to your sarcastic question.
Thankyou i would see it here and there ,But now they r acting like they were part of it when it fell apart ,wWhat a joke put your heads down walk away at least u still can....
+1000...I'm no fanboy but gotta tell ya I admire the DiFronzos, Andriacchi, and D'Amico for walking away when they could-I really do. Back in the 90's with all that happened in his life, Johnny realized he was alone on top and thus was a lightning rod for the G and he said "FUCK THIS!!!" and he took his top guys with him. He didn't wanna die in jail and he knew that the days of The Outfit as he knew them were pretty much over. There was no one around to tell him otherwise as all the old guard was dead or in jail. Maybe it was an honorable existence in Sicily or Naples 200 years ago and maybe it was honorable when Italians first came to this country and TOOK our piece of the American pie when it was denied to us, but now??? They're all just glorified street gangs who use the bullshit Godfather credo to further a mystique that has loooooooong since ended..