Originally Posted By: Chicago
The Southern Group is trying to cover all their territory let alone the North Side.
The Chicagoland territory is huge.
The Southern Group has very little happening on the North side.
There is some bookmaking and Poker machines in Melrose Park which was traditionally covered by the Cicero crew who is the Dominant. Their partner is the 26th St Crew.

The Northern Group receives nothing from the Southern Group.
DiFronzo does not want to go to jail over Poker machines. That was the deal. The Southern Group led by Cicero can do whatever they please with the street Rackets.
They have to worry about the South Side before they can think about the North Side with any further expansion.

Cicero is lacking some of the Political Clout of DiFronzo.

Sounds like they need more made men and soldiers if they can't even cover the southside. That's alot of money they're leaving on the table.

As for who is making bets anymore, you would be surprised. Men love sports and they love to bet on sports. All the guys I grew up with bet on sports. Many of them still do, whether they became doctors, engineers, or criminals. I know some of them went to the online books, but the fed has been cracking down on those the last few years and seizing the domain names. Besides, try having tens of thousands of dollars wired to you from overseas. The IRS and Homeland Security will be all over your ass.