answer your question in 3 parts.
1st scarfo was 100% italian he wanted to be the meyer lansky of ac. all he thought about was building and building just like las vegas (look mama what your boy did look at what he built. never did have any problems with nicky cos I kept my nose clean literaly. and I fit into the filosofi of scarfoinc. nicky never touched anyone that fit into his filosofi fuddagetbouit, so I trusted him with my life.
scarfo used say that ppl who made their money in alternative ways could never be trusted cos looking at the business thier dealing in and woise the ppl involved. can two guys that make thier money outside the rules ever be good friends? dunno you tell me, I ask myself the same question.
3rdly I kept a very low profile had very few friends unless nicky said to go eat pasta with them.I kept to myself had a lot work cos nicky was not about bullshit, very few ppl in this world was as dedicated as he was.