Sorry Ronnie for the continuing hijacking of the thread.
Original geschrieben von: pizzaboy
If you didn't learn that from your Nazi forebearers
Never say something like that again, please. You don't know what my family went through.

I don't know why you're taking the discussion down to a personal level.
Look, I don't feel any contempt for your country. (Why would I hang around in these boards?, Why would I visit your country time and again?) Please, don't confuse criticism towards a government with contempt towards a country. In fact, there's been more criticism from you against the current US administration than from me. My opinions may sound radical to you. But so do yours to me and very likely to most Europeans, not only the lefties in the "peanut gallery".

Anyway, I'm just curious about certain things. To paraphrase Vincent Vega: "It's the little differences", I'm curious about.
I do understand certain conservative positions, like the disapproval of legalizing abortions, capital punishment, etc.

But the Snowden controversy I really don't understand. Even from a conservative perspective: Why does everybody seems to be happy to let the NSA break the fourth amendment rights? "Freedom isn't free", yes, I know. But according to what we've heard so far, the NSA doesn't just restrict the 4th amendment, but acts as if it doesn't exist. (sorry if I don't use the legal terms here correctly.)
If we assume that the intentions of secret services or other governmental branches are always good, why do you need the 4th amendment at all?