A few days ago our Archbishop of Canterbury (head of the Church of England)came out in the news condemning on-line payday loan companies who charge extortionate interest rates. There are many of these companies but the most famous and controversial is a lot called Wonga.com (over here Wonga is a slang term for money in general hence the naff name) He vowed to fight them, increase Church credit unions for the poor folks and actually drive Wonga out of business!!!!

By the end of the day it was revealed that the Church of England actually has a load of money invested in Wonga, the very company the good Archbishop had referred to as worse than the money lenders Jesus threw out of the temple.

Apparently the Archbishop is both furious and embarrassed at this turn of events...and so he should be. Hilarious. I love it when public figures like that make a fool of themselves. They should either check their facts or think before they open their mouths lol

I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees!