Originally Posted By: Skinny
my dad said the worst part was the constant stress of having your guard up for years on end. Thinking about life on the outside will drive u nuts, just focus on one day at a time. Start to read some books, call your family, etc... The only thing that will keep you going.

That's it exactly. It's the mindset that I'm in here today and I'm gonna be in here tomorrow. And you keep telling yourself that until whenever. It really is a one day at a time mentality. Because the days turn into weeks and so on. You can't start thinking of your entire stretch from the day you go in or you'll never make it. It's about being strong willed, not about being a tough guy in general. And outside of writing your family and keeping in touch with them by phone, you have to put the outside world completely out of your head in order to survive a long stretch. Dream about pussy and margaritas on the beach all you want, but don't dream about your regular life that you miss. That's the only way to get through it.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.