Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

As someone else pointed out, the Apalachian region (which is almost 100% white) is one of the poorest in the country, with high levels of alcoholism and drug addiction, and yet the murder and violent crime rate there is only half the national average. So to simply revert back to the typical excuse about blacks being more likely to be poor isn't going to entirely cut it.
If we're talking about the system as a whole there are thousands of more poor Black communities whose people can't buy down the length of their sentences, and that is a huge mitigating factor when assuming Blacks commit more crimes and spend more time in prison. You yourself work in the system so more than anyone here should be able to attest to this fact.


He wasn't making generalizations about the the entire black population. He was showing the relative comparison between murders committed by blacks and those committed by whites and Hispanics.
Okay, but that seems to be the justification for why it was okay for Zimmerman to follow and profile Trayvon Martin--because the black pariahs are all out there waiting to murder and mug you. For the record, I *do* think Martin was up to no good that night and I *don't* think Zimmerman was acting maliciously. But what gave him the right to decide Martin was a "suspect" that needed following?

I'm wary of law enforcement firing on "suspects" and now some state laws basically allow for any weirdo with a conceal-carry to do it? That's messed up, man. People like Zimmerman should not be granted any authority whatsoever to decide who is and who is not a suspect that should be pursued based on bland general statistics. Because when wannabes start taking the law into their own hands with the false bravado of packed heat, then stupid stuff like this happens.

So, what's the point here? That if blacks and whites were dealt with exactly the same by the legal system, all the problems in the black community would be solved? Your response basically makes O'Reilly's point. Your knee-jerk reaction is to start with the typical talking points of the "race hustlers" and "grievance industry" where the underlying premise is that blacks aren't responsible for anything until all inequity and prejudice is gone. In short, instead of even acknowledging the valid points he makes, you just go on the defensive, conveniently misinterpret what he says, and attempt to find somewhere else to put the blame.
That it atleast attests to the fact there is some racial bias in the system (some of it's unfounded, some of it's not) but again, if we're going to start throwing out statistics about what group is/isn't commiting crimes there's a whole sleuth of societal factors that have to be considered.