Originally Posted By: Tony_Pro

2. sal polisi. - this guy is lucky his name is even known. not even made, minor drug dealer keeps talking about how he outlived all his old friends. its because he is a lot younger, i think hes only 67. stop bragging about ur age you irrelevant fool! in interviews he speaks of himself as an associate of all these families.. bollox. just some minor criminal with some shit bar. movie is so bad its laughable.

And if you believe the stuff the Bruce Cutler confronted him with while on the stand in one of the Gotti's trial, he's a low-life rapist to boot. Made his wife in a dope slave and forced her to have sex with a bunch of scumbags while he watched for kicks and giggles in trade for her fix.

While not technically a "rat" (he did his time and kept his mouth shut until he found out Flemmi and Bugler were rats), Red Shea's book got on my nerves. He made it sound like he was working for Whitey when I suspect he wasn't more than a neighborhood dealer kicking up tax. Stand-up guy but a self important one.

Frank Calarbrese Jr. certainly is another one.

sal polisi what a scumbag