1. phil leonetti - you really see what a piece of sh*t he really is in his book where he blames his uncle for getting into the life and he hates him (clearly this is his personal psychological escape route for ratting). the guy is like 57 and he is still a pathetic rat in denial.

2. sal polisi. - this guy is lucky his name is even known. not even made, minor drug dealer keeps talking about how he outlived all his old friends. its because he is a lot younger, i think hes only 67. stop bragging about ur age you irrelevant fool! in interviews he speaks of himself as an associate of all these families.. bollox. just some minor criminal with some shit bar. movie is so bad its laughable.

3. henry hill - just a junkie liar. rip.

4. frank cullota - in interviews he really tries coming accross as if he was in the outfit etc. guys a bit annoying as he was just a minor burglar assoiciate of spilotro.

5. that cop who infiltrated nj genovese's in the 80s (russel something?). wish they whacked that annoying pri*ck! his lisp makes me wanna choke him lol!

6. andrew didanato - not a soldier very irrelevant, does well to get on the documentaries.

7. billy cutolo jr - i dont believe you. def lies and he de3f was not involved in that family. sounds like a real jackass according to his sisters also. you ratted for avenge your fathers death leave it at that. but he adds this whole tough guy act that i really dont buy.

reason why sammy the bull, fratianno arent on the list. these guys were important and scumbags and they embrace it and what theyve done without the need for lies or self denial. fair enough.