Joey is a smart man and can do whatever he feels like doing at this point. After the formal process of checking in with the parole officer's/ finishing up all that sentencing stuff I just don't see the appeal of returning to the Philly/NJ area for anything other than visiting family being with wife/kids as there isn't really much going on out there besides food and shopping and even the shops with the best stuff are being shut down. As far as legitimate income anyone who gets out of prison is placed in some type of work and it has been confirmed that his legitimate source of income is from rug/tile business. In my opinion anything that involves labor/working with your hands/designing things is fun and good exercise so that is something I would actually want to do. The advertising / tv business is ALWAYS changing and not a consistent form of work/income and is probably just favor's/entertainment/something for him to do in his spare time. If Philly loves him so much the people/city needs to hurry the f*ck up and put some money into rebuilding the city sewage water/construction/ in certain parts of the city and make it a more desirable city to visit. Oh yeah and they also need to stop using cheap material / lead based paint and asbestos in their homes. And the kids in Ambler need to stop sniffing glue and acting like little jerks and give their "friend's" a quick call/email/text message to at least say "what's up"