Originally Posted By: Chicago
I think one of those estimates was too exaggerated, when Carlo died it might have been 250 to 300 made guys, especially with 25 Crews, average of 10 men x 25 crews is 250, plus the captains and administration.

But aside from that point, I have a bigger question to ask about New York:
1). What did a Crew receive in return for giving Paul 15%?

2). How did Paul possible know if he was really getting 15%?

3). If the Crew did not really receiving any benefit from Paul and he had nothing to do with them making money, why did they need to give him 15%?
In Chicago, the Boss made money for a REASON.

I assume you're being facetious bit to answer your questions:

1) for protection from the family. To use the name and its power in conducting dealings. The boss being the families represente was entitled to a share from its members.
2) no one ever knows. It's assumed that members will always skim a little and it's cost of business. A member or associate is expected to go on record with his superior all his illegal activity.
3) the crew received protection from the boss.

Regards how it works in Chicago, in NY bosses don't have their own crews and don't only get tribute from activities they're directly involved in.
Your assertion that big Paul would not have gotten wacked if he did so is wrong as it is not the NY way.
Did your Genovese Chin only get kick-ups from activities he was directly involved in?
Paul was wacked because tapes were about to surface indicating Gotti's crew were involved in drug dealing. And Gotti himself was in danger. If Gotti was west side and the same circumstances occurred ive no doubt Chin would've been lying face down outside sparks.
Gotti acted out of ambition and without choice. It was kill or be killed with the big seat an added cherry.

The NY system is the universal system of LCN in the US. Associates kick up to soldiers to captains to the admin.

Chicago is the exception. Not the rule.

Last edited by SonnyBlackstein; 07/22/13 01:19 AM.

MORGAN: Why didn't you fight him at the park if you wanted to? I'm not goin' now, I'm eatin' my snack.
CHUCKIE: Morgan, Let's go.
MORGAN: I'm serious Chuckie, I ain't goin'.
WILL: So don't go.