Zeta 40 was easily the most brutal and probably theuk only cartel leader or member I would consider evil in its purest form. Unlike other cartel leaders that would use corruption to control his turf he would commit evil acts to control hisorganization that piece of shit is known to torture women and children of rivals police and kidnapping victims. There are rumors about La Mona.( another nickname he goes by in Nuevo Laredo). He is known to of boiled alive 3 infants here in Nuevo Laredo , he would order his sicarios to kidnap people so that he would torture them. I thinl he also puredd boiling water into females his sicarios would ca pture until their slin melted off. The people of Nuevo Laredo are tired of his crap and his loyal henchmen for all the pain they have caused in this city. They throw grenades inside parties when the citizens reported them to the army. La Mona would go around in his car telling his estacas to stop the car to kill a random person that looked at him funny. It has been over R years since we had the police on the streets because La Mona would threaten the