Originally Posted By: Lilo
Immigrants to the US generally came of their own volition. Additionally until the 1965 Immigration Act the US could and did exclude immigrants who weren't white, thus ensuring a permanent black minority.

The immigrant struggle, while it had and has its own challenges, is not generally comparable to the battles faced by people who were legally non-citizens for the majority of this nation's existence. People trying to force parallels usually don't know the history or have a different agenda entirely.

You need to get over events that didn't involve you or even your great-grandparents. They involve you about as much as they involved me. Every immigrant group that made it to this country has been through great hardship and discrimination but have made it. The Chinese and Jews were treated orders of magintute worse, much more recently than slavery. CA even had a law on the books in the 1900s banning asians from owning businesses. Immigration laws restricted the numbers of jews that could enter the country even til the 1930s- even outright sending jews back to the holocaust. Yet both are among the most successful and accomplished communities that value education, hardwork and dedication.

At some point you need to look to yourselves and your own values.The fact is that biggest problem facing your community is your own people- as over 95 percent of murders of black men are committed by other black men. The vast majority of these murders go unsolved because race baiters out there have taught the community not to trust police and not "rat". So black fathers really worried about their sons (like all these articles say) should look to their own community that kills its kids in record numbers and then has the audacity to see honor in not telling authorities who committed these terrible crimes. Not George Zimmerman, "white hispanics" or some sort of oppression.

Last edited by LittleNicky; 07/17/13 08:57 AM.

Should probably ask Mr. Kierney. I guess if you're Italian, you should be in prison.
I've read the RICO Act, and I can tell you it's more appropriate...
for some of those guys over in Washington than it is for me or any of my fellas here