Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
More emotional gibberish full of the loaded words, wrong facts- not one citation of the law. Even the study comes out out of a marxist sociology department that has yet to be replicated in anyway. Not to mention desperate impact doesn't equal discrimination- you have no idea whether the all other variables are equal. Although sociology isn't much of a science to begin with.

The facts are your own community kills its own children 99 percent of the time in gangland or other senseless violence- with cases involve black/white/peruvians like zimmerman one in hundreds of millions. Hundreds like Darryl Green that are good kids die because they refuse to join gangs and want to go to school. But it is easier to blame external, santaic forces rather than figuring out why your community is so intent of self-destruction.

Where is justice for Darryl Green? Why aren't you marching for that? He is the common occurrence- a "uncle tom" dying literally or figuratively at the hands of black gangsters for refusing to give up on a education, life.


Why is that people like yourself come crawling out of the woodwork to defend the actions of a killer if and only if the murderer is white and the victim is a black male? Hmm? Where is your outrage at all the white murderers, pedophiles, gangsters, and drug dealers? Why do we NEVER hear the phrase "white on white" crime despite the fact that most crime is intra-racial?

Believe it or not black people are actually able to walk and chew gum at the same time. This constant attempt at telling other people what they should be upset about is patronizing nonsense.

Re discrimination it appears your attitude is "don't bother me with facts because my mind is made up". While that might be a perfect qualification to be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court back here in the real world study after study after study has shown that black people do not receive a fair chance in the criminal justice system. Black people are more likely to be arrested, more likely to be convicted and more likely to get longer sentences for the same crime. Black people are more likely to be harassed by agents of the state (and wannabes like Zimmerman) even if they are innocent of any wrong doing.

Let's review the Baldus Study referenced in the Supreme Court case McKlesky v. Kemp. Data was collected over years which conclusively showed that, after controlling for 39 nonracial variables, in all homicide cases where a Black person killed a White person, 22% of those Black defendants got the death penalty. However, when a White person killed a Black person, only 3% of White defendants got the death penalty.

By contrast, when White people killed other White people, 8% of the White defendants got the death penalty. Most notably, where a Black defendant killed another Black person, only 1% of those Black defendants received the death penalty.

When you look at ALL defendants (black, white, latino, etc.) who kill White victims, 11% of them get the death penalty. However, when you look at ALL defendants who kill Back victims, only 1% get the death penalty. There's a bias in the system against valuing black life. This impacts everyone in this society, regardless of their race.

But if you want to remain clueless about such things that's your call. But by doing so you will remain constantly surprised about people's reactions to cases like those of Martin.

"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."
Winter is Coming

Now this is the Law of the Jungleā€”as old and as true as the sky; And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk, the Law runneth forward and back; For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.