Black lawyers, Black leaders of civil rights groups, and Black journalists are getting full reign to go on CNN, MSNBC, talk shows, and radio, all to say they are outraged.
I see few people giving other side.

Who flattened Zimmerman's nose? Trayvon. He had been suspended form school four times, public kept getting told it was minor. Then it came out he had jewelry, 11 pieces including wedding rings, in his bag, along with a screwdriver. School did not call police, and let him go. Travon had posed with money and guns, and had once tweeted "White people call cops, niggas call their cuzins" He also referred to White people as Crackers often in tweets.

If media had immediately revealed he was troubled teen, instead of painting him as saint, maybe story would not have gotten to this point.

Travon Martin was thug, not sweet innocent kid. No news and talk show hosts have guts or desire to call guests on their shows out on it. Lies and overdone crying has gotten past point of hysteria to absurdity.