Originally Posted By: stern49
I do agree with Cook County on this one!!!!!! People that think Zimmerman did absolutely no wrong have to be just a little prejudice.

probably another one who watched very little, if any of the trial. cook county has no credibilty at all, as he has ignored info presented to him time and time again. i'm not even addressing him at this point, but his posts in this thread prove what i've learned while watching this trial: we have tons of dumb fucking people in this country who are fueled by emotion and media manipulation, nothing more. logic is lost on people like that.

as for the 2nd part of your statement, heh. some of us actually look at the facts presented to us, and put emotions and silly accusations of racism on the sideline, right where they belong. people comparing this verdict to that of oj simpson and casey anthony should be sterilized for the benefit of future generations.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!