Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: Skinny
^^^ ya and joes a super liberal too! Quit bitchin america, you just saved about $1m in welfare, housing costs, food stamps, inmate housing.....

Completely in people's minds, that whole racism thing, because that's not a racist comment at all.

I would point out this: black people have been suppressed since the 17th century when they first arrived on slave ships. It took 250 years after that to achieve civil rights. After constant streams of repression it would not be easy for any culture to recover from that. But I'll take a page from Bill Cosby's book, who DID say this btw: "What is the point of winning Brown vs the board of education if nobody wants it?"

It is becoming increasingly common in black communities for kids to grow up without fathers, thinking education is for suckers, sagging pants, using slang to the point where it isn't even English, talking every day about "bitches, money and kush". They are the largest ethnic group among America's prisons, and many of our worst neighborhoods with the worst crime rates are regrettably black.

This is excusable in a time of repression and abuse. But 2013 is not one of those times. They are becoming their own worst enemy with this shit. Crying victim when a white guy like Zimmerman gets off on this recent trial. What about black on black crime? Or black on white crime? Or Hispanic on black crime? None of that is getting press in the media like this bullshit case did. It's about time we stop feeling guilty and admit that they are doing this themselves. Now is it the general rule? Of course not. There are many prominent blacks in our country and communities. But when the common image of a young African American male is a hood rat with gold teeth, saggy pants and trashy language, you know there is a problem. But it's not mine, and frankly this whole trial and the reaction afterwards doesn't make want to feel any more sympathy than I already do.

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone