i briefly remember the alexander case. like has been stated, the problem with that one was that she returned with the weapon, which doesn't look good at all as far as self-defense/stand your ground is concerned, as we saw. still, i think it was bullshit what happened to her, as people can and do make bad decisions when they are afraid. i don't think she should of had to do any prison time if it could have been proven that she had reason to fear for her safety.

the thing that gets me is that there is a huge portion of the black community that will exploit a case like that for revenge. since a black women was sent to prison unjustly, its only fair that a white goes down for the count to even things out, bullshit logic on every level. how about working to change some of the silly mandatory minimum laws, and actually do some good?

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!