The JFK Assassination has always been a fascination for me. I do believe that the Outfit was in some way involved and that we will live to see the day when what truly happened will be made known. In 1963, The Outfit most CERTAINLY had the means, the motive, the opportunity, AND the connections in the CIA to have had a hand in this. Whether or not Chuckie Nicoletti was a part of it, I don't know. He most certainly could have been, though. I don't think the CIA killed Nicoletti though, I think it was Aiuppa's guys. Nicoletti would have never talked to the House Assassinations Committee I think Aiuppa just used the timing of that to his advantage so that the cops and the media would never know really where to place the blame. In reality, Nicoletti's days were probably numbered from the time Giancana was killed 2 years before. It was a continuation of the purge of Mooney's old Taylor Street guys by the alliance of Cicero/Elmwood Park.