Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: cookcounty

don't waste your time with degenerates that PRETEND to think Zimmerman was just

they're just sick and demented mothafuckas

Usually I wouldn't bother asking this because it would be immaterial but somebody told me you're black, cookcounty. Is that true? Because if you are, it would certainly explain why you're having a hard time looking at this case objectively.

Originally Posted By: Lilo
Right. Zimmerman claimed that Martin jumped out of the bushes and said "You're going to die tonight, homie". Not only does that sound like someone who has been watching too many The Wire reruns but there were no bushes.

But in your world an armed bully may follow someone and question his right to be in a neighborhood and then kill him...as long as that someone happens to be black.He's probably a thug anyway. I mean that's what the person who killed him said. Let's ignore the fact that Zimmerman told Hannity that he had never heard of Florida's Stand Your Ground law while Zimmerman's professor testified that they covered that law in their class. Let's ignore bullet trajectory evidence which doesn't fit Zimmerman's claims.

Ah, you libs really do love playing the race card, don't you? Not surprising. You're the guy who thinks racists make up "the base" of the Republican party. You really do live in your own little world and probably think you see KKK guys under your bed at night.

Bottom line, yes, Zimmerman was overzealous. He should have just waited for the real cops to show up. But it was Treyvon who acted like a thug by turning it physical and violent. Zimmerman posed no immediate, physical threat to him. Most people agree that the evidence supports Zimmerman. Most have come to believe that the 2nd degree murder charge was unwarranted and came largely because of political pressure. But, being the liberal hack you are, your sympathies are with Treyvon alone and you can't see past your own delusional preconceived notions. And, like a liberal hack, you think anyone who disagrees with your BS must be a racist who posts on Stormfront. rolleyes

you shoulda figured that out with your adamant knowledge of black folks

you've been dissecting my post for a couple months and you aint figured it out yet

I thought u were so goddamn smart