Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
Listen. I am sorry if I offended anyone. I am not racist, and I am not going reference how I have black friends as a means to justify my comments. I believe in 100% equality, meaning everyone should be treated equally, and should not be given detrimental NOR beneficial treatment based on past harms. As a member of a distinct caucasion minority (trust me SC, the klan doesn't allow membership to people of my background) whose people have suffered GRAVE WRONGS I would not ask anyone to treat me any different just because of those past things.
I will focus my comments on the case itself. Its a crap case; does that mean a jury wont convict Zimmerman? No, history is riddled with terrible verdicts. Talk to an objective lawyer with knowledge of criminal law and who maybe even did a little work in that area and they will tell you the same thing. Take out the political BS window dressing, and what do you have left? A severely weak case.

I wasn't offended, I'm actually glad when people express their true feelings.

The facts on the ground are that the young man was walking from point A to point B...Zimmerman called 911 dispatcher.....was advised NOT to follow the young man......decided to disregard law enforcement's advice....followed targeted and confronted the young man, and the young man ended up dead.

Unless you view Trayvon or people who look like him as subhuman, why can't you see that the young man died because of a series of choices that Zimmerman made?

When human beings sense danger...the reaction is either fight or flight

Young teen of your particular background is walking down the street and followed by a guy in a car/truck and he feels afraid, he will either fight or run...you know, normal HUMAN responses.