Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
And some people are bitching about this because they simply just don't agree.

You can agree that legalised gambling has its hypocrisy so why not agree there may be some grey area to this debate?

It's not a case of your perspective vs people rooting for the bad guys.

Most arguments you'll find have two sides.
And not necessarily subjective ones.

And relegating one sides argument to 'just bitching' is hardly going to make friends now is it?

Considering Mousie is a career criminal, with a record as long as your leg, I don't see where there's any grey area. Maybe if this was his first or second arrest and but not when you look at his history. And I'm not exactly known for going out of my way to make friends. wink

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.