Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
Listen. I am sorry if I offended anyone. I am not racist, and I am not going reference how I have black friends as a means to justify my comments. I believe in 100% equality, meaning everyone should be treated equally, and should not be given detrimental NOR beneficial treatment based on past harms. As a member of a distinct caucasion minority (trust me SC, the klan doesn't allow membership to people of my background) whose people have suffered GRAVE WRONGS I would not ask anyone to treat me any different just because of those past things.
I will focus my comments on the case itself. Its a crap case; does that mean a jury wont convict Zimmerman? No, history is riddled with terrible verdicts. Talk to an objective lawyer with knowledge of criminal law and who maybe even did a little work in that area and they will tell you the same thing. Take out the political BS window dressing, and what do you have left? A severely weak case.

Your apologies will fall on deaf ears. Unless you agree with the people you're apologizing to here, including believing Treyvon to be a saint and Zimmerman to be the devil himself, you're a racist in their book.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.