Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
Uh, your "That's when they should bring out the fire hoses and police dogs" is a direct reference to the actions of segregationist Alabama governor George Wallace during the Birmingham civil rights movement of the 1960's. I'd say that fits the definition of disgusting KKK-like quite nicely.

I meant every word of that. It worked then. The difference is, back then blacks actually had a good reason to be upset; though there is never a good reason to riot and burn the town down. That's what I'm talking about. The possibility of there being riots if Zimmerman is found not guilty. But, hey, there are always other options. Tear gas and rubber bullets would work just as well.

Originally Posted By: SC
Careful, little man. I might ask you for an apology for that.

Translation...is that some sort of threat?

Last edited by IvyLeague; 07/12/13 01:42 AM.

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