Here are a few other facts. He had a lot of the names wrong. Gary Macarelli was actually Gary MaRcarelli and he was killed at his friends house, not his own. "Sonny" Rizzo was "Sonny Boy". Absolutely no one called him Sonny. Anthony Barry likely never worked for Vinny A (although I don't know for certain) because the mafia knew AB by reputation only and they all thought he was a bad kid and someone who brought too much attention (this I do know although maybe VA disregarded this message). The higher ups knew better than to associate with him and the low level guys at the time were warned.

Here is more circumstantial evidence that I am right about the mafia having nothing to do with AB. This is the story behing the GM murder. GM was moving coke in Medford and refused to pay rent. GM thought he could get away without paying rent because he hung around Ciampi's social club with Romano and those guys and thought he was valuable to them and above paying some independant coke dealer in Medford. When GM failed his attempt on AB, he went right to Bennington st in a panic asking them to smooth it over and protect him. They were pissed off that he made a stupid move and basically said he was warned to stay away from that shit and he was on his own. He went into hiding for a few weeks until he was set up by his friends. They invited him to Medford to watch the Pats game. They were told to keep him there until the sun went down. "Somehow" when he went to leave before day break, his keys were missing but they mysteriously turned up right around sunset. He walked out of the house and stepped into an ambush.