Originally Posted By: getthesenets
ok....now that you've danced around the issue..tell me what CRIME he committed?

how about assault?

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
What was HE doing wrong that caused Zimmerman to follow him around and confront him?

not illegal, and like has came out in the trial, there was a history of break-ins in that complex. like i said, you obviously haven't watched any of the trial so far. this trial isn't about race, or following somebody. this trial is about whether or not the shooting was self defense. so far, there has been nothing presented that indicates that was not the case. what people with your viewpoint simply don't understand is that this is not a trial on morality, or if someone could have made a better decision, the charge is murder 2.

also of note to you might be the reason that this charming young man was even at that complex. good thing it was his permanent residence and he wasn't there because he was suspended from school for the 3rd time or anything, after all that might shatter the myth of the poor 13y/o angel who was so obviously racially gunned down by such a heartless killer that the media felt the need to play around with the audio recordings to help seal the deal and keep this monster locked up so he doesn't shoot anyone else after they smashed his face.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!