Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
So what? My grandpa was a gangster who served time in prison. Im a CPA. Whats your point pal? His dad is a slimeball blood gangster gangbanger who had nothing to do with his life until he coudl make a cent off of it. His mom is a low life too. "I am Traevon" incorporation. Disgusting. Pure low lives.

I agree this thread is pointless. As Nicky said you can post what you want, but a thread pointing out that his Grandad should be respected doesn't mean Trayvon should. It clearly says something when you have to go to the Grandad for a character reference instead of Trayvon himself or the parents. The worst thing about this type of story is that certain people will see it on the news or whatever, and will develop the idea that Trayvon was an angel without knowing anything about him, Zimmerman or the case.