Legs today. Squats are out of the question for this routine. I did some hardcore deadlifting yesterday and my lower back is in no kind of shape to handle heavy squatting today that's for damn sure lol. A bar loaded with plates on my back is asking to get hurt, but hack squats and/or front squats are sufficient enough for now.

Leg Press/5 sets
Front Squat/4 sets
Seated Hamstring Curl/4 sets
Lunges/3 sets
Lying Ham Curl/4 sets
Hack Squat/4 sets

Standing Calf Press.4 sets
Vertical Press.3 sets
Seated.3 sets

And after all that's done I'll do about 15-20 minutes on the StepMaster. 15-20 mins isn't much but im not a big fan of cardio anyway

Last edited by southend; 07/10/13 10:53 AM.