Originally Posted By: BONANN0
Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: cookcounty

there ain't much to discuss at this point

either you think Zimmerman should go to jail or you don't

a lot of people that want to see Zimmerman go free view him as a martyr

No, there isn't much to discuss because we've seen the evidence. I certainly don't see Zimmerman as some sort of martyr but I don't see Treyvon as a martyr either. What we have is an overzealous neighborhood watch guy who went beyond his role, got attacked by a thug, and pulled the trigger once he knew he was in over his head. Involuntary manslaughter? Yes. 2nd degree murder? No.

trayvon martin would've had a gun or a knife on him if he were a thug

George Zimmerman was playing rent-a-cop, accosted somebody and then shot him

I reiterate that if trayvon was a thug he would've had a weapon that night

George Zimmerman will have fun playing coppers and robbers in the can

That's the dumbest argument I heard so far. Trayvon not having a weapon doesn't classify him as a thug? A lot of thugs, whatever department of crime to choose to pursue and lets say drugs for example aren't going to carry a weapon on them(at least on the street). They'll keep them close by, but if your a thug going to your boo's house then why would you pack a pistol or blade, it wasn't like he was walking thru the projects

he wouldn't carry in his project because he feels safe In his neighborhood

going to the store or to your "boo's" house is when u get robbed or shot

it sounds like u need to go pull a George Zimmerman