Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: cookcounty
trayvon martin would've had a gun or a knife on him if he were a thug

George Zimmerman was playing rent-a-cop, accosted somebody and then shot him

I reiterate that if trayvon was a thug he would've had a weapon that night

George Zimmerman will have fun playing coppers and robbers in the can

You don't need to have a weapon to act like a thug. Trayvon demonstrated that. If he really had nothing to hide, he should have just ignored the rent-a-cop, and he'd still be alive.

if trayvon had something to hide then they woulda found it in his pockets

he ran from the rent-a-cop (zimmermans own words)

the rent-a-cop caught up with him and the rest is history