Originally Posted By: cookcounty
I know yall don't think child rape is a big deal in Utah BUT IT IS

him raping his little cousin shows that he's a degenerate sociopath

and it's impossible to involuntarily shoot somebody

George Zimmerman will have plenty time to battle black males in prison

i don't even know where to start with people like you. first off, where is this proof that zimmerman raped his cousin? thought so. secondly, have you watched any of the trial? judging by the crap that you have posted its pretty clear that you have not and have fell for the silly msm portrayal hook, line, and sinker. there has been no disputing the fact that he shot trayvon, but that isn't what the trial is about. as much as you and plenty of others who have an emotional stake in this whole circus for whatever reason want to believe, simply shooting someone doesn't = murder. my advice to you would be to actually follow the trial instead of getting your outlook from nancy grace.

Last edited by Five_Felonies; 07/09/13 12:02 PM.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!