Originally Posted By: Chicago
I don't believe everything Frank Jr. said about his father. If you read the Family Secrets transcripts, Frank Sr. was actually trying to help his son. He actually cared about him in a strange perverse way.
Drug addicts are lying, manipulating people who cannot be trusted at all.
If Frank Jr. had not stolen his father's money, he would not have become a rat. He DID it because he STOLE the money.

Anyway, you asked and I answered. That's my feeling on it.
I hate what he did to his father. That's the classic behavior of an addict.

I suppose I have to say that we respectfully disagree about Frank Jr.

The thing about Frank Jr. is that his uncle Nick, who was a made member, also testified and confirmed what Frank Jr said. If there was ever a mob case that had as much evidence as possible, including DNA evidence, it was the Family Secrets case. There is absolutely evidence that Frank Jr. lied in his testimony.