took yesterday (4th of July) off, not only to relax for the holiday but was feeling a bit sore around the shoulders, so I took the day off, got plenty of food n water in me. yesterday would have been shoulders for me, so today with my arm routine I probably will do atleast some side laterals, maybe a press.

arms though -

Rope Pressdown/3 sets/12-15
Skull Crusher/4 sets/8-12
Underhand Pressdown/3 sets/12-15
Dumbell Overhead Ext/4 sets/8-12

Preacher Curl/4 sets/8-12 *close grip
Barbell Curl/4 sets/10-12 *slightly wider grip than shoulder-width
Cable Curl/3 sets/15-18
Dumbell Hammer Curl/3 sets/10-12