Most people think it's Peter Limone, but he has a no contact order with about 75 guys after his little brush with the law after getting out of jail with his $30 million. But DiNunzio's were/are underboss and Consig...

Gemini is real deal hangout in the north end. probably the last one.

Highly debated how many made guys are out there since so many are in jail. I'd say at least 30 on the street. Probably 50-60 including the ones in the can.

Don't know how many crews but they have/had about 6 capo's in recent years.

Rumor had it there was at least a couple ceremonies in the last 10 years. Mannachio was in power since I think 1998 so he had a good run and I'm sure he did something to bolster the rank and file.

Shaking down strip clubs seems to be a favorite past time, lol..
But, gambling and loansharking are staples along with B & E's and drug peddling. Not a lot of unions talk but I bet they did all right with the Big Dig project, except for Carmen, lol..

Last known hit is hard to say, but guys with Italian names have come up dead from time to time but it's tough to say exactly how they are connected. It's been quiet for a longtime.

"In onore della Famiglia la Famiglia e' aperta"