Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
Have to say Im on DiLorenzo's side here.

The guy personally blew away god knows how many. Ordered several hits. Participated in many more.

Paying for a funeral, buying a widow a microwave, whatever, doesnt even out the score.
You're right sonny..And like you mentioned, its not just italians who do this, but all big criminals of all backgrounds do it because it serves them more in the long run...Look how this girl is fighting tooth and nail for him...That's what they want...naive people who think they're helping them..He bought a widow a microwave ?? lol..If he even bought it i would be surprised, but come on, its like those who felt indebted to mob guys who gave them a turkey t christmas time...Good business if you can buy someone's loyalty over a microwave or a turkey !!