Since we don't have a Music Forum.....some songs have great Lyrics; one line or verse that says it all; profound; funny, etc.

What's your favorite? What have you heard lately?

One of my old favorite singer/performers is David Bromberg; guitar virtuoso in folk, blues, blue grass, rock. He has played background for many artists and has several albums. His latest recording is titled "Use Me". from that recording a song titled "Tongue". The closing lyric,

"....get your tongue out of my mouth, I'm kissing you goodbye."

How about, from Bob Dylan, "Positively 4th Street", "Do you know what a drag it is to see you?"

Last edited by MaryCas; 07/04/13 02:33 PM.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12