Well. With all due respect to you sonny, the m1 he went down on was for a junkie fuck who threatened to kidnap and kill his kid. Not saying it was the right thing to do, but if someone threatens your family, I mean, I got a young son at home. Not saying I would do it, im just saying the guy shoulda known better than to threaten the son of a made guy.
Furthermore, as far as the killing people. I mean, these guys are soldiers. They follow codes, when you get in the life you assume the risk. Im not a guy who roots for these guys, but I also dont get my panties in a knot and talk about how evil these guys are when in reality, there are alot worse people in the world. I realize that things arent black and white.

Frank Costello: Fucking rats. It's wearing me thin. Mr. French: Francis, it's a nation of fucking rats.