I love how there's like five threads going on for the same issue, and we haven't even gotten into the abortion and immigration battles going on around the country right now. lol

@ IvyLeague, there is no significant support for polygamy in this nation or any other in the world outside of Africa and the Middle East, and thus that point of your argument is moot. Mostly because it's not possible to share marital rights and responsibilities equally between more than 2 people. Every first world nation on Earth says marriage is between TWO consenting adults. Period.

The great emancipator Abraham Lincoln almost sent the country to war with Mormons over that very issue, and if not for the war against the Confederacy indeed he would have. But let's not pretend states such as Utah, Arizona and others in fact don't "turn a blind eye" to FLDS polygamy where children (girls as young as 12) are married off against their will to much older men.