Originally Posted By: TonyBoy117
Jackie Dee wasn't made in the Philly Family but he was an associate in the Down Neck crew so it wasn't difficult to just call on his friends in other family's in Newark ad jump ship, Jimmy the Weasel Frattiano switched back ad forth between the Outfit ad the LA Mob and apparently so did Johnny Rosselli but that's the west coast mob, I've never heard of it happening in the Northeast
ok not sure why i thought he was made, was albert gallo(crazy joes brother) made before he made the switch to the west side after the gallo crew broke up, i dont think he was but does any1 know for sure?

"Let me tell you something. There's no nobility in poverty. I've been a poor man, and I've been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time."

-Jordan Belfort