There has to be more to determining a viable family than a formal structure and on going criminal activity or even the small families would still be viable. Even if they are only running a book, you still have to have someone in charge a master agent or Boss and then his crew of bookies. That is a structure and a book is an on going criminal activity. I think in addition to a chain of command there has to be money being kicked up to make it viable. Take KC for example, they have a structure and on ongoing book and some other minor activity, I dont consider them viable per the definition because there is no kicking up. What each member makes is theres. This is why during their recent run of indictments RICO was not involved because the bosses were not kicked up to, so it could not be linked to a criminal organization. As far as viable familys, you got NY, Decavacanti's, Detroit, Chicago, Philiy, New England (hanging by a thread)