Originally Posted By: ovation32
I don't understand why people are not making a bigger deal of this. Based upon his ascension to Boss, I am going to assume that Chilli and Indelicado (when he gets out) will have a lot more sway. I'm not sure what this means for the Rabito/Graziano/Santoro group, but I assume that Rabito signed on to this. The same goes for the Asaro/Zip group in the family.

I genuinely think we have reached a new age for the NY mob. Gone are the days of open-street hits and mass murders of faction leaders resulting from internicide war. People understand that bodies bring attention now and I believe that the families will once again prosper.


Over the past decade or so the mob has had to adjust, the decline in the number of hits is a part of that. It's weird though, I mean there is still hundreds of members in all the families and then thousands of associates and you hardly ever hear about killings anymore. They will always happen sure, but you feel they will continue to be years apart in the and even more so in the future.