Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: OldSmoke
I'll take the first hand, boots on the ground info over the watered down government reports any day.

Except we're on the internet, so it isn't always so clear if we're really getting "first hand, boots on the ground" info. Bullshitters are legion on these forums. And even those guys, who know what they do, don't have the broad scope of knowledge the feds do. They too get most of their info from the same public sources as everyone else. I don't care who they are.

Seriously Ivy not being sarcastic I use to enjoy your posts when I firsted signed up they were always insightful and there was a lot of good information and I'm sure there are a few some what newer posters that agree with me within the past 2 years.

Anymore you rather just discredit people and fight with everyone all day long everyday about the same things over and over ...If the chin were alive today he might come out of his seroquel induced coma and smack you!

Last edited by DickNose_Moltasanti; 06/13/13 01:50 AM.

Random Poster:"I'm sorry I didn't go to an Ivy-league school like you"

"Ah I actually I didn't. It's a nickname the feds gave the
Genovese Family."